Transient wave-induced pore-water-pressure and soil responses in a shallow unsaturated poroelastic seabed

Linlong Tong, Philip L.F. Liu

研究成果: Article同行評審

17 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


An analytical solution is developed for studying transient water wave-induced responses inside an unsaturated poroelastic seabed of finite thickness. The soil skeleton and the pore fluid are compressible and the constitutive relationship of the soil skeleton is described by Hooke's law. Assuming that the horizontal length scale of wave motion is much larger than the seabed thickness, the leading-order analytical solutions for the seabed responses, including pore fluid pressure and soil skeleton motion, are obtained. The present solutions are suitable for general transient wave loading and for the shear modulus of the soil skeleton being of the same order of magnitude as the effective bulk modulus of elasticity of the pore fluid. The present theory is first validated by checking the solutions with the experimental data for the pore pressure induced by periodic-wave loading. The present analytical solutions are then used to investigate the seabed responses under transient waves, including linear periodic wave, a solitary wave and a bore. The effects of the wave-induced effective stresses on the bed failure potential are further analysed. The results show that the shear failure potential and its duration are highly dependent on the soil properties, such as saturation degree, shear modulus and permeability. Sensitivity analyses are presented.

期刊Journal of Fluid Mechanics
出版狀態Published - 2022 5月 10

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 凝聚態物理學
  • 材料力學
  • 機械工業


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