Unveiling dopant concentration in boron doped Si ultrathin film: Enhanced analysis using time-dependent second harmonic generation

Ting Yu Yen, Meng Ting Shih, Long Fu Song, Kung Ming Hung, Kuang Yao Lo

研究成果: Article同行評審

3 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


The evaluation of dopant concentration is essential in fabricating advanced field-effect transistors. In this study, we effectively leverage the unique characteristics of boron traps in the in-situ boron (B) doped Si ultrathin film (DSUTF) to examine the evolution of electric field through time-dependent second harmonic generation (TD-SHG). During the laser irradiation, internal photoemission (IPE) occurs in our system due to multiphoton absorption which enable the electron injected from Si to SiO2. Our findings demonstrate that the presence of oxygen molecules weakens the electric field, resulting in a consequential reduction in SHG intensity. Therefore, we propose a model to elucidate the relationship between electrons and oxygen. Furthermore, we observe a robust monotonic correlation between the boron induced electric field and the dopant concentration. These results are consistent with first-principles calculation and capacitance-voltage measurement. Utilizing TD-SHG method for inspection of B dopant concentration in DSUTF provide a productive way for in-line inspection in semiconductor fabrication.

期刊Surfaces and Interfaces
出版狀態Published - 2023 10月

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 表面、塗料和薄膜


深入研究「Unveiling dopant concentration in boron doped Si ultrathin film: Enhanced analysis using time-dependent second harmonic generation」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
