Adaptive Mesh Finite Volume Methods Applied to Boeing X-37 in Steady Compressible Hypersonic flow using GPU parallelization

論文翻譯標題: 使用GPU平行化運算自適應網格的有限體積法於波音X-37在穩態可壓縮極音速流
  • 游 峻強

學生論文: Master's Thesis


The goal of the thesis is to obtain the drag coefficient lift coefficient as well as the bow shock standoff distance for the Boeing-X37 orbital test vehicle with different angles of attack in hypersonic flow using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach Two methods the advection upstream splitting method (AUSM) and Split HLL (SHLL) method based on a Finite Volume Method (FVM) are used to solve the Euler equations in this study With the TVD-MUSCL method the spatial accuracy is extend to second order with the Minmod flux limiter employed to avoid non-physical oscillations in the spatial domain In Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) there are many problems including the flow field with not only large scale but also small scale physical phenomenon in the multiple dimensional computation To obtain the more accurate results finer grids are needed in the computation Therefore in this study an Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) algorithm is employed in steady state simulations We use the local dimensionless density gradient and pressure coefficient to detect where the grids need to be refined into smaller sub-grids However the computational efficiency of the AMR algorithm is limited by the GPU memory bandwidth since the data is transported between host and device frequently within the refinement procedure For the sake of verification using a calorically perfect gas the cube and sphere model are used to verify the difference between simulation results and the theoretical results in reference Using a Newton-Raphson method the characteristics of thermally perfect gas can be captured in the simulation In the conclusion a comparison of speedup between GTX Titan X and Intel i5-4590 is discussed
獎項日期2017 8月 3
監督員Matt-Hew Smith (Supervisor)

