An overview and further notes on the observer/Kalman filter identification (OKID) method with its appliactions to time-dealy systems and a robust digital tracker design for the unknown square non-minimum phase (NMP) systems with unknown disturbances have been proposed in this thesis This includes the OKID method-based modellings of the single/multi time-delay systems and state estimator integrated with the equivalent-input-disturbance (EID) estimate robust tracker for the unknown square systems with unknown disturbances One of the foremost applications is to precisely identify the pole-zero map of a general unknown complex multi-input multi-output (MIMO) system for any specific sampling period so that the MP or NMP property of an unknown plant can be identified Consequently this may come up to an important decision for designers It is applicable to have the complete pole-zero map of a general unknown complex MIMO system for a wide range sampling period Moreover due to the identified model is in the delay-free form any appropriately selected delay-free control methodology is applicable Numerical constructive examples are given to observe the consequence of applying OKID on time delay systems By those observations we can compose the proposed design procedures And illustrative examples are given to demonstrate the superiority performance of the proposed approach
獎項日期 | 2018 8月 7 |
原文 | English |
監督員 | Jason Sheng-Hon Tsai (Supervisor) |
An Overview and Further Notes on OKID Method and Its Applications to Unknown Time-delay Systems with Disturbances
利亞, 郭. (Author). 2018 8月 7
學生論文: Master's Thesis