Approaches of Problem–findings Targeting 2 years-old Toddler as an Example

論文翻譯標題: 問題發現的途徑以探討幼兒相關問題為例
  • 簡 佳儀

學生論文: Master's Thesis


The consistently changing environment in the 21st century leads to a constant rise of new issues Thus as designers observing the transformation around us we cannot apply the outdated pattern on the current issues or even the future ones for that matter On the other hand design is based on humanism and a good design is to understand the demands of society For a designer it is essential to be a keen observer and to be sensitive to the environment This research starts by observing an unfamiliar group (a 2 years old child for example) in order to explore the relationship between the problems and finding process Existing participatory observation models of Social Science and Anthropology are applied in order to uncover more daily problems and establish an initial approach to further research Through analysis this study attempts to map out the correlation between problem attributes and each approach/assessment while integrating the application and features of those attributes For example by using approach A one can find out a great deal of problems in a short period of time and by using approach B one can discover crucial but easily neglected points The results are summarized in lists and with figures Therefore provide designers with an easy foundation to address social/daily issues more effectively and also a guide to the design process
獎項日期2016 2月 18
監督員Chun-Juei Chou (Supervisor)

