Development and Evaluation of a Community Family Care-Based Dietary Health Promotion Educational Program for Patients with Dementia

論文翻譯標題: 以居家照顧者為中心之失智飲食健康促進教育方案發展與評價
  • 蕭 華岑

學生論文: Doctoral Thesis


Backgroung: Eating problem behavior is one of the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) suffering for family caregivers every day The diversity of eating behaviors coupled with the progression of dementia affect the nutritional status of the patients with dementia (PwD) While family caregiver is major carer for the PwD care-related knowledge and skills became one of the top demands for family caregivers Therefore developing a community family care-based health-promoting dietary educational program for the PwD is an important issue Purpose: This research aimed to develop and evaluate of a community family care-based health-promoting dietary educational program for the PwD Methods: This is an experimental design with single-blind study using a longitudinal randomized controlled trial to assess the suitability and effectiveness of the educational program This research was held in one dementia outpatient center in hospital and one local dementia association in southern Taiwan Subjects who were willing to participate were selected by inclusion criteria and were randomly assigned into two groups Data were collected between February 2015 and February 2016 A total of 57 pairs of subjects completed the study The experimental group received the dementia health-promoting dietary educational program (once a week with 1 hour in length for a continous 6 weeks) and one telephone counseling and care every two weeks from week 7 (approximately 10-15 minutes at a time) The control group only received routine care as well as a social call every two weeks from week 7 (approximately 10-15 minutes at a time) Subjects form the two groups received pre-test before the educational program post-test 3 months after the educational program and follow-up test 6 months after the educational program SPSS 18 0 version statistical software was used for data analysis included frequencies percentage mean t-test Chi-square Pearson’s correlation and Generalized Estimating Equation Results: After controlling for the potential confounding factors the ”Nutritional knowledge for dementia” and ”Ability to assess the eating function for dementia” of the caregivers significantly increased after receiving the educational program (p=0 007;p=0 003) In the experimental group the score of “Healthy eating behavior for dementia” of the caregivers were significantly higher than that of the pre-test (p=0 000) However “Nutritional status _MNA” of the PwD increased but not statistically significantly while ”Nutritional status _MNA” remained between 22 and 23 Conclusion: The dementia health-promoting dietary educational program can increase caregiver’s “the dietary knowledge for dementia” and “ability to assess the eating function for the PwD” as well as perform healthy eating behaviors However only slightly improvement was identified on the nutritional status of PwD The results will be used as an important reference of dementia dietary care in hospitals dementia day care centers government units and education of school Finally it may improve the quality of dietary care of the PwD in community
獎項日期2016 9月 2
監督員Jing-Jy Wang (Supervisor)

