Development of an Assistance Platform for Electrode Placement in the Deep Brain Stimulation System

論文翻譯標題: 腦深部電刺激電極之定位輔助系統開發
  • 蔡 詠安

學生論文: Master's Thesis


Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders and a considerable portion of drug resisted epileptic patients cannot be well treated by available therapies nowadays Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been investigated for the treatment of epilepsy Recently an increase for the development of seizures has been reported in different animal models but the consequences of delivering stimulation to chronic epileptic animals remain unaddressed extensively In this study we have successfully integrated a DBS system including: surgery electrode implantation stimulation parameters EEG monitoring system and a portable stimulation channel switch allowed to manually select each pair of channels to find the best stimulation channel pair for future use It has several aspects of advantages which improves flexibility mobility and easy-to-use of users In the future our system can also be extended for a variety of biomedical surgeries or experiments about deep brain stimulation Currently we had implemented this system on experiments including deep brain electrode implant in Zona Incerta on Long-Evans Rats finding of best stimulation channel pair to inhibit Epilepsy on Chronic Epileptic Rats
獎項日期2017 1月 18
監督員Sheng-Fu Liang (Supervisor)

