The effects of viscoelastic composite connector on a steel frame were numerically and experimentally studied in this thesis In our experimental studies two one-story steel frames (3 8 m in hight) were performed on the shaking table One of the specimens contains the viscoelastic composite beam-column connectors at its joints and the other is a comparison specimen The composite connector consists of polymer soft metal and conventional construction steel to form a composite material The specimens were suddenly flung by the shaking table and their acceleration responses were recorded and analyzed Our experimental data shows that the specimen with the composite connector exhibits larger overall damping that of the comparison specimen The overall damping enhancement is about 25 % from the shaking-table by flinging the specimens From earthquake-spectrum shaking-table experiment the steel frame with the composite connector exhibited larger acceleration responses Hence the composite connector may be more efficient in against the flinging For far-fault earthquakes base isolation may still be the best option to reduce vibration However due to the inclusion of the polymer and soft metal the beam-column connector is less stiffer than the comparison specimen Hence the first resonant frequency of the specimen containing the composite connectors is smaller than that of the comparison specimen The reduction of the first resonant frequency is 1 % In other words the total stiffness of the specimen with the composite connector is less than that of the comparison specimen However in this study we experimentally demonstrate that the overall damping of the steel frame may be enhanced by using the composite connector and its stiffness can be controlled through ‘microstructural design’ of the beam-column connector
Experimental and Numerical Studies of Viscoelastic Composite Beam-column Connectors on Steel Frame
上傑, 黃. (Author). 2016 1月 28
學生論文: Master's Thesis