Purpose: Exploration of the impact of the family support perceptions and cognitive function on employment stability of the first category and non-first category of people with disabilities Method: First using descriptive statistical test a homogeneity of variance test an extreme group inspection–critical ratio test exploratory factor analysis confirmatory factor analysis Rasch analysis and intraclass correlation coefficient to develop and norm established of the Chinese version of the people with disability’s perception of family support scale second using Pearson’s chi-squared test independent sample t-tests Cohen's d and the linear regression to explores the significance of family support perceptions and cognitive function in the workplace stability of people with disabilities and further analyzes the differences in family support perceptions cognitive complexity and cognitive dissonance between the stable employment group and the non-stable employment group of the first category and non-first category of people with disabilities Result: The Scale was demonstrated to be a self-report tool with satisfactory psychometric properties that can be used to effectively measure the perceived family support of people with disability In the variable of family support perception there is no significant difference between the stable employment group and unstable employment group of the first category of people with disabilities while significant difference can be found in the non-first category people with disabilities In the variables of cognitive complexity and cognitive dissonance there is significant difference between the stable employment group and unstable employment group of the first category of people with disabilities while significant difference can not be found in the non-first category people with disabilities Discussion: Support the need to increase levels of emotional support and self-efficacy enhancement-oriented support when they are perceived insufficient especially for non-first category of people with disabilities Moreover cognitive function is a significant predictor of vocational stability Increasing the cognitive function of the first category of people with disabilities may improve vocational outcome
Exploration of the Impact of the Family Support Perceptions and Cognitive Function on Employment Stability of the First Category and Non-first Category of People with Disabilities
瀚云, 張. (Author). 2019
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis