Since the tremendous success of social networking websites like Facebook Twitter and Google+ the related research on social network analysis have widely been studied and the Social influence is one of the significant and popular topic In online social networks influencers are the people who have more influential power to affect others’ emotions arouse their sympathy or convinced others of new viewpoints so they can help marketing and lower the costs of spreading information Most of the traditional methods in measuring influence of users consider following centrality-based or other social interactions among users using structural-based methods on this problem To improve the performance we add a new factor called authority influence which includes the post dimension in this problem because a popular or influential post usually influence many users as well Moreover the temporal factor is also considered because of the short lifetime of a post in social media Eventually we utilize influence model to simulate the influence propagation in the network by the influencers The result shows the influencers found by our method could influence more users in online social networks compared to other existed methods
Influencers Identification with Authority and Social Influence in Online Social Networks
家譽, 沈. (Author). 2015 11月 5
學生論文: Master's Thesis