Investigations of RF Sputtered AlN Thin Films with Different Orientations and Its Applications on Resistive Random Access Memories

論文翻譯標題: 以射頻濺鍍製備不同擇優取向之氮化鋁薄膜及其應用於電阻式隨機存取記憶體之研究
  • 劉 惠瑜

學生論文: Master's Thesis


In recent years the memory technology of semiconductor industry has been well developed Resistance random access memory (RRAM) has potential to replace FLASH memory position in the nonvolatile memory (NVM) Because conductive bridge random access memory (CBRAM) has advantage of low power consumption and high memory window finding for more suitable material for CBRAM is also critical issue to be investigated Aluminum nitride (AlN) a metal nitride has many features in RRAM application and exhibits good insulator property without high process temperature Nevertheless the amorphous and [100] oriented AlN thin films applied for CBRAMs have rarely been investigated In this study different orientation AlN thin films are fabricated by ratio-frequency (RF) sputtering system In the first part of this thesis the detailed investigation of material characteristics in all AlN thin films is presented In the second part of this thesis the proposed AlN thin films are applied to the solid-electrolyte of CBRAMs The electrical characteristic reliability test and temperature-dependent test of the devices are also examined For application requirements the amorphous AlN device shows low bit error rate with a high memory window of 3 12 × 106 On the other hand the requirement for low power consumption and high stability is satisfied from [002] oriented AlN device with a low set/reset voltage of 0 24 V/-0 13 V
獎項日期2017 7月 19
監督員Sheng-Yuan Chu (Supervisor)

