Knowledge Attitude and Behavior Related To Healthcare-Associated Infections of Nurses Working in Emergency Department In Indonesia

論文翻譯標題: 印尼急診護理人員對工作場域的感染控制之知識,態度和行為探討
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學生論文: Master's Thesis


Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) are considered as being among the most serious patient safety issues in health care settings Especially in the Emergency Department (ED) nurses face greater risk of exposure to infectious pathogens ED nurses’ daily intervention often involve contact with patients’ blood and/or other body fluids To protect ED nurses from infectious agents standard precautions are essential and also effective in reducing the number of HAIs However knowledge attitude behavior towards HAIs and relationships between these three variables among nurses working in EDs in developing countries such as Indonesia has not yet been studied Therefore it is imperative to explore the knowledge attitude behavior towards HAIs and their relationships among nurses working in EDs in Indonesia In addition the influence of demographic characteristics on nurses’ knowledge attitude and behavior were examined in this study A cross-sectional self-reported survey was conducted and a total of 115 participants were recruited from four hospitals in Bandung City Indonesia The Healthcare Associated Infections Survey (HAIS) consisting of four domains: demographic characteristics knowledge attitude and behavior related to HAIs was used for the survey ED nurses’ overall performance on the knowledge portion was good with a mean of 21 23±5 173 (range=9-30) They produced better scores on control measures and risk factors for HAIs but did poorly on some questions about HAI source pathogens 92 2% had positive attitudes and the mean score for behavior when practicing infection control was 37 7±5 570 (26-50) Marital status (Z = -2 838 p = 0 005) and working hours per week influenced nurses’ knowledge of HAIs (rs = 0 185 p = 0 048) Work experience was found to have a negative relationship towards attitude (rs = -0 196 p = 0 035) While type of hospital (F (113) = 5 560 p = 0 005) and working hours per week (r = 0 191 p = 0 04) influenced behavior However no significant relationship was found between knowledge attitude and behavior towards HAIs Even though the majority of ED nurses in Indonesia believe that precautionary guidelines can reduce the risk of HAIs in fact most nurses’ behavior was sub-optimal Therefore it is essential for healthcare institutions to conduct surveillance monitor good behavior of infection control practices and provide continuous education for ED nurses Furthermore healthcare managers should consider nurses’ characteristics when developing an education plan
獎項日期2015 8月 17
監督員Jing-Jy Wang (Supervisor)

