Mean Wind Speed Comparison and Wind Farm Energy Prediction at Chang-Hua Offshore

論文翻譯標題: 彰化離岸風場平均風速與風能評估之研究
  • 博 拉帆

學生論文: Master's Thesis


A Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) was set up at Chang-Hua development zone one on the sea The three days mean wind speeds of WRF (3 33km &2 km) simulated and WAsP predicted is compared with Lidar wind speed observations Based on four wind data sets developed five cases for comparison and found error (%) & R-squared values Lukang meteorological station 5m height anemometer long term wind data (10- years) is used to predict the wind climate at the domain (13x24 km2) and Fuhai met mast The yearly variation of wind climate predicted at Fuhai met mast under neutral and stable atmospheric condition At Fuhai met mast location TGC (Taiwan generation corp ) interested in installing 28 and two demo wind turbines Two sets of wind farm layouts (0o 30o and 60o) are design with traditional (SWT 3 6 MW h generator used) and TGC (SWT 4 0 MW h generator used) spacing Each set of wind farm layouts is designed leading towards 0o 30o and 60o degrees concerning North in a clockwise direction as per WAsP WAsP used to predict the yearly variation of wind farm and wind turbines efficiency (%) & capacity factor (%) The Fuhai met mast at Chang-Hua 26 days (10-Oct-2015 to 5-Nov-2015) wind data categorized as daytime night time and one day is 24 hours Totally 78 data points are used to estimate the roughness length (z0) friction velocity (u*) power law exponent (p) and shear stress (?) at day time night time and the whole day (24 hours)
獎項日期2016 8月 3
監督員Jiun-Jih Miau (Supervisor)

