N-body Coulomb Force Simulation of Basic Plasma Physics by GPU Computing

論文翻譯標題: 以多體模擬搭配圖形處理器模擬基本電漿物理中的庫倫力
  • 王 建普

學生論文: Master's Thesis


A computational tool for molecular dynamics or N-body simulation method is built based on three-dimensional electrostatic self-consistent force to study basic nature of Coulomb force Employing the N-body simulation a Coulomb collision between two particles Coulomb collisions with small angled deflection incorporating multiple particles are investigated The relation of potential and kinetic energy is diagnosed to validate the computation A softening parameter is incorporated in the Coulomb force to avoid numerical difficulties at an extremely small particle to particle distance The N-body simulation model is extended to study dynamics of dusty plasmas Massively negative charged particles are employed into our simulation For the dusty plasma studies phenomenological Yukawa potential is incorporated In the dusty plasma study external electric sheath force is employed artificially into our system typically observed in capacitively coupled plasma which is widely used in industrial plasma processing The second part of the study aims at investigating the dusty plasma phenomena such as crystallization based on the balance between Coulomb force and gravitational force as well as void formation induced by ion flow in micro-gravity experiments
獎項日期2017 10月 27
監督員Yasutaro Nishimura (Supervisor)

