On Equilibrium Solutions of the Braess Transportation Problem

論文翻譯標題: Braess運輸問題的均衡解
  • 呂 庭維

學生論文: Master's Thesis


In this thesis we focus on the four-node and five-link network model proposed by Dietrich Braess Given a flow-dependent linear traveling function on each link and the total flow we can completely classify the flow distribution pattern regardless whether the equilibrium of the network does happen or not Our study is based on the original work of Marguerit Frank in which algebraic necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the Braess Paradox were derived Our classification extends to the cases when the paradox does not happen so that the effectiveness of the newly added link is able to be judged
獎項日期2014 7月 24
監督員Ruey-Lin Sheu (Supervisor)

