This thesis is devoted to the theoretical investigation and numerical simulations of an optimal adiabatic transition aided by shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) We begin by introducing the theory of adiabatic transition in two-level systems In general design adiabatic states cannot correspond to system states evolution which is perturbed by the coupling of adiabatic states In other words adiabatic transition is hard to achieve complete population transfer without shortcut design The Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant engineering protocol is introduced into adiabatic transition to calculate the STA These shortcuts will lead to complete population transfer but lose the robustness which is the advantage of adiabatic transition Hence we propose the optimal adiabatic transition designed by analyzing the fraction of system states projected on adiabatic states with quantum mechanics The results from simulations support our theory very well We show that the optimal adiabatic transition combines the advantage of complete population transfer and robustness
Optimal Adiabatic Transition aided by Shortcuts to Adiabaticity
誠圃, 何. (Author). 2015 7月 23
學生論文: Master's Thesis