Considering the issues of increasing power demand and global warning the usage of renewable energy especially the photovoltaic (PV) system draws extensive attention However high penetration of PV generation seriously impacts the voltage of the distribution system a fact which may further limit the development of PV generation systems Therefore an appropriate voltage-control approach is needed to effectively mitigate the over-voltage problem and increase the feed-in power of the PV system This thesis proposes a voltage-control strategy for the distribution system with high PV penetration system to reduce the voltage rise and comply with the voltage regulation limits The control strategy can thus lower feed-in active-power curtailment of the PV systems due to the over-voltage problem The proposed voltage-control strategy is realized by managing the transformer on-load tap changer (OLTC) the energy storage system (ESS) and real and reactive power control of the PV inverters Furthermore to optimize capacities of the ESS and the PV inverters a two-level optimization procedure based on particle swam optimization (PSO) and dynamic programming (DP) is proposed in the thesis To verify the feasibility of the proposed voltage-control strategy real data for PV power generation and load profile are used to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed method In addition comparisons are made for the proposed method and the referenced method Besides three different kinds of time-of-use tariff (TOU) structures are used to analyze their economic impacts The simulated numerical results reveal that the proposed strategy can provide more effective voltage-control and increase economic benefits as compared with the reference method
Over-Voltage Mitigation Control Strategies for the Distribution System with High Photovoltaic Penetration
育棠, 陳. (Author). 2014 8月 6
學生論文: Master's Thesis