Research on Flooding Protection Policy in Prague: the case of the 2002’s Vltava Flood

論文翻譯標題: 布拉格的洪水保護政策研究:以2002年Vltava洪水為例
  • 包 維爾

學生論文: Master's Thesis


ABSTRACT This research seeks to understand the condition of flood risk reduction in the Czech Republic The case of the 2002’s Vltava Flood in Prague was studied to explore practices and challenges on the effectiveness of policy forming planning and implementing in the Czech capital It was found that floods pose one of the largest direct risks of natural disasters for the Czech Republic Floods can cause serious emergencies which lead to extensive land degradation extensive material damage but they also may lead to casualties in the affected areas The increasing frequency of floods prove that we need to address flood protection systematically The methods of this research were mainly based on qualitative analysis Second-hand data such as news reports and archives was collected The author collected primary data by in-depth interviews The strength and destructive consequences of the floods in 2002 resulted in many new laws and crisis management bodies and they also brought the issue of flood control to the forefront It was found that the national security system should increase its inspection activities in the field of crisis management at the municipal level to improve citizen satisfaction The combination of technical and nature-friendly measures is recommended as the optimal procedure According to this research it was suggested that in in order to improve efficiency the distribution of powers in the field of operational hydrology and water management services across multiple government departments would eliminate certain competition It was suggested that the cooperation between flood control powers at national level should be improved
獎項日期2017 7月 14
監督員Yung-Nane Yang (Supervisor)

