Residual Size-based Mobile Data Offloading for File Transmission on Mobile Devices

論文翻譯標題: 行動裝置上基於檔案傳輸剩餘大小之行動資料分流
  • 蘇 珮華

學生論文: Master's Thesis


As mobile devices and mobile apps largely grow mobile data traffic increases at an unprecedented rate How to alleviate mobile traffic congestion becomes a widely dis- cussed issue Because that most mobile data is not necessarily used immediately some research discusses mobile data offloading among heterogeneous network for these delay- tolerant files for example Wiffler and On-the-spot(OTS ) These files are allowed to complete transmission before delay-tolerant deadline However these methods greedily offload data from cellular network to Wi-Fi network The density of Wi-Fi deployment and current Wi-Fi situation are not considered Therefore under network environment with several factors these methods cannot guarantee file transmission completion be- fore delay-tolerant deadline In this thesis we propose residual size-based mobile data offloading for file trans- mission on mobile devices Our method periodically checks the residual size of the file According to the residual size and delay-tolerant deadline our method decides how to use cellular and Wi-Fi networks for file transmission Besides we also propose a cost function to investigate trade-off between deadline and the fraction of the transferred size using available Wi-Fi We compare our method with Wiffler and OTS The results show that under network environment with several factors the cost of our method is the lowest one Our method is more likely to guarantee file transmission completion before delay-tolerant deadline
獎項日期2015 8月 20
監督員Meng-Hsun Tsai (Supervisor)

