The purpose of this dissertation is to combine proportional navigation guidance (PNG) along the pitch-axis and pursuit guidance (PG) along the yaw-axis to derive a three-dimensional coupled missile guidance law with actuator dynamic compensation A three-dimensional space can be constructed by two two-dimensional models that are pitch-plane and yaw-plane PNG controls the direction of a missile on the pitch-plane and PG controls the direction of a missile on the yaw-plane In order to cope with the possible maneuver tactics and the variations of the time constant of a pursued target this dissertation asserts that a target’s maneuverability and the time constant of a control surface actuator can be regarded as noise factors The Taguchi Quality Method was applied to determine the robust navigation constants that have the best robustness against noise factors A multi-fighter air combat simulation system equipped with an automated decision support was applied to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed guidance law and robust navigation constants The critical point of established processes for the simulation system is the design of the resulting score function which includes an orientation score function a relative range score function a velocity score function and a terrain score function The resulting scores can be implemented by a Utilitarian Solution on the multi-fighter air combat simulation system In order to increase the computing performance of multi-fighter air combat simulation parallel computing was conducted in this dissertation including distributed computing with a Central Processing Unit (CPU) applied for missile guidance and aircraft motion and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) parallel computing adopted for strategy selection The performance of PNG and PG was compared to that of the proposed three-dimensional coupled missile guidance law and three kinds of pursuit-evasion scenarios including long acceleration Jink and Split-S were applied to test the performance of the navigation constants in which the effect of compensation for actuator dynamics of control surfaces was highlighted Simulation results showed that the guidance law with robust navigation constants and actuator dynamic compensation possessed the better performance including robustness against external disturbances the maximum effective missile launch area and the minimum aircraft evasion distance Moreover the results of utilizing parallel computing indicated that CPU parallelization did exert an effect on computing performance to a certain extent but the merits of GPU parallelization was manifested by having a greater number of fighters to fight
The Designs of Coupled Missile Guidance Law and Robust Navigation Constants for the Application of Air Combat Simulation
豐隆, 蔣. (Author). 2014 8月 18
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis