The Evidence from Optical Satellite Imagery of the Expansion Surface Area of Lake AZUEI in Haiti

論文翻譯標題: 以遙測影像與水文模式分析海地Azuei湖面積擴張之可能因素
  • 吳 孝典

學生論文: Master's Thesis


Over the past 30 years Haiti has experienced several severe tropical cyclones causing an increase in precipitation which results in overloading of excess rainwater As a result the rivers / streams of the country have grown in size and have flooded many surrounding areas One of the watersheds that has drawn world attention is Lake Azu?i The size of the lake has considerably increased from the years 1986 to 2016 which has flooded the surrounding agricultural resulting in the loss of people's livelihood causing social environmental and economic impacts In this study we use satellite imagery to assess control on the recent lake level rises Various theories have been proposed by technical groups national and international organizations to explain the growth of the lake Among the hypothesis there is: (1) Regional Climate change (2) deforestation of the watershed However many people believe that precipitation is the main factor that causes the expansion of the Lake Azu?i This study analyzed two main theories (precipitation and land cover change) to determine whether they are at the origin of the growth The size change of the lake was determined (from 1986 to 2016) and analyzed using Satellite data (LANDSAT and SENTINEL images) and Geographic Information System (GIS) Deforestation was studied using remote sensing of land cover (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) MCD12Q1) over the years 2001 to 2012 and analyzing vegetation changes By analyzing the precipitation data and changes in Lake Surface although there is evidence of land cover change however the changes themselves have not been significant enough to influence major changes in the hydrological balance The results show that the main threat to the Lake Azu?i was the extreme events (hurricanes tropical storms torrential rains) that struck the region during several years period The aim of this study is to determine the different factors that contribute to the expansion of this mysterious lake seeking a possible explanation for the rising level of the lake and provide a starting point for a future research
獎項日期2017 9月 1
監督員Chih-Hua Chang (Supervisor)

