The trends of growth and changes in early vocalization: A longitudinal study of Mandarin-learning infants from 4 to 12 months old

論文翻譯標題: 早期發音的成長趨勢及變化:在中文環境下長大之嬰兒4到12個月大的長期觀察研究
  • 陳 雅雯

學生論文: Master's Thesis


The goal of this study is to apply the naturalistic way of justifying early infant speech to Mandarin Chinese data based on English guidelines and to seek the possible method principle or tool for measuring the changes and trends of speech in the developmental process from 4 to 12 months of age The data was randomly chosen from a large database of longitudinal study including 8 infant participants The infant natural speech was collected through recording twice every month All the recordings went through preliminary selection and one of the audiotapes was chosen per 2-month intervals from 4 to 12 months old Moreover all intelligible utterances were coded as certain vocalization types for further analysis Six parameters are applied from Fagan (2005) to analyze early vocalizations: temporal duration number of sounds per utterance number of seconds per sound number of supra-glottal consonants number of syllables and number of repetitions In addition the study explores the components of infant speech utterances (number of single syllable number of single vowel number of word production etc ) by statistical analysis Major findings in this study are: (a) the naturalistic way of identifying infant vocalization instead of traditional transcription is suitable for Mandarin-speaking data collected from three developmental stages: pre-babbling (PreCB) canonical babbling (CB) and post-babbling (PostCB); (b) the changes of the characteristics of infant vocalization show a significant progress during canonical babbling period; (c) through Pearson Correlation Analysis from SPSS the statistics show that six parameters present significant correlation with each other Furthermore the correlation between six parameters and three developmental stages are significant at CB and PostCB stages except number of seconds per sound The present study suggests that canonical babbling stage plays a dominant role as the watershed during infant speech development For future study to seek a more precise measurement and a more natural way of data representation at CB stage is a must
獎項日期2015 8月 26
監督員Li-Mei Chen (Supervisor)

