This study examines the differences in tone production between two Mandarin-speaking children with cerebral palsy (CP) and two typically-developing children (TD) All four children are approximately 4 years of age Several criteria related to the oral production of tones have been used for evaluation including mean duration mean fundamental frequency (F0) mean slope and mean standard deviation of fundamental frequency The results show that the mean duration is similar for both TD children and CP1 whose Tone 1 is the longest and whose Tone 3 is the shortest In contrast CP2 differs sharply from the other three children with both the longest Tone 3 and shortest Tone 1 Both the TD and CP children display the same tendency in mean standard deviation of fundamental frequency except for CP2’s Tone 4 In other words CP children did not always perform as well as TD children in controlling tone production An important finding in this study is that the four participants produced approximately the same mean slope indicating that CP children are able to produce four tones like TD children although they have trouble controlling tones precisely Previous literature indicates that CP speakers tend not to control the prosodic features of enunciation as well as TD speakers In this study although subtle differences between CP and TD children were present in the mean duration and the mean standard deviation of fundamental frequency both CP and TD children showed the same tendency in regards to mean slope Thus CP children compared with TD children had competence in prosody but lacked of precise control
獎項日期 | 2015 8月 5 |
原文 | English |
監督員 | Li-Mei Chen (Supervisor) |
Tone Production in Mandarin-speaking Children with Cerebral Palsy
靜怡, 江. (Author). 2015 8月 5
學生論文: Master's Thesis